Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Introduction to the Blog

Hello all,

This will be the first of hopefully several blog posts throughout the duration of my stay in Moscow. It is rather important for me to break down the 'gist' of my trip in this particular post, considering I am writing this from the comfort of my home in the USA while still packing.

I am studying through Dickinson College's Study Abroad program in Moscow, which is in partnership with the Russian State University for the Humanities (РГГУ). Normally, the program has been somewhat small, but I think this year takes the cake: I am the only student representing Dickinson throughout this school year, as I am also one of the few Russian Majors from the Class of 2010. The remainder of my class consists of several science or INBM majors.

From what I have been told, I will be living in an apartment considerably close to the Smolenskaya Metro stop with a small family for the year. This was my choice, primarily out of my desire to not simply go to a new country and speak English all of the time at the University dormitories.

In addition to these academic and Dickinsonian endeavours, I am also a Russian Orthodox Christian. Since I am practicing in this religion, and I am in the country that quite obviously acts as the hub of "Russian Orthodox Christianity," I am taking this as a spiritual journey as well. My intention is to visit the numerous religious sites throughout the country - cathedrals, small churches, monasteries, etc. - in the effort to perhaps gain some insight into the spiritual lives of a group of people who suffered for numerous of years under atheistic Soviet oppression. This is much more of a personal goal than an academic one, so it may be difficult at times for me to express the evolution of this concept via blog...to say the least.

So regardless of all of these goals and things, this will be the best way for everyone to see what I'm doing in Russia! Unless of course you are among the people contacting me via Skype or AIM throughout the year. It should be an incredibly interesting experience, and I am without a doubt looking forward to it.

My next update will be from somewhere in Moscow!
Later all

*Oh, by the way...the title of this blog is in reference to Dostoyevsky's "Notes from the Underground," considering it will be my musings on my life in Russia. Thankfully, unlike Dostoyevsky, I will not be writing as a borderline manic depressive recently released from Siberian exile and near execution....hence the "slightly above ground."

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